If you need loans for education, because you're going to college, university, or some other form of school, you may well want to consider private loans from financial institutions. Student loans from financial institutions are very flexible, have competitive rates, and can be used for a wide variety of school related expenses. Even if you do not qualify for US Department of Education federal loan, you will generally qualify for some form of loan from financial institutions offering student loans. Plus, if your federal loan does not fully cover your school costs, loans such as the Great Lakes education loans can provide you with a loan that will make up the difference.
Great Lakes Educational Loan Services Inc
Great Lakes Higher Education Corp. and affiliates have been in business for almost four decades. During this time, Great Lakes student loans have helped millions of students borrow enough money to pursue higher education. Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation act as a guarantor and servicer of educational loans. Most loans from this organization are targeted towards college and university students. Through their web site, mygreatlakes.com, Great Lakes offers students the ability to learn about loans, manage their loans, and get additional information.
ACS Student Loans
Affiliate Computer Services (ACS) has offered loans to millions of students. In addition to helping students apply for PLUS loans and other forms of federal loans, ACS also offers consolidation services and tax relief for those students who find their student debts overwhelming. Through their web site, acs-education.com/bac/genl/Home.html, ACS allows borrowers to manage their loans, consolidate their student loans, and to pay their debts. The web site even allows students to apply for loans quickly online. ACS education loans are popular primarily because they offer college and university students such a simple application procedure and such no hassle loan management options.
ACS was previously known as AFSA Data Corporation (Academic Financial Services Association). The company is known as one of the largest servicers of education loans. The company has more than 800 clients (including universities, colleges, and financial institutions) across the country. ACS handles more than 5 million loan accounts and oversees loans totaling more than $31 million. With 1400 employees dedicated specifically to student loans, and service centers in California, New York, and Illinois, ACS is considered by many students to be one of the most reliable services for student loans.
ACS has a number of divisions or departments. The Federal Family Education Loan Division offers educational loan servicing for secondary markets and banks and financial institutions. The Direct Loan Division is the only education loan service or that services the Federal direct student loan program with approval by the US Department of Education. The Campus-Based Division offers financial services and administration for student loans to colleges and universities.