Education Loan Consolidation
All those education loans you took out in college finally starting to catch up with you? Even with deferred payment plans and a great job, educations loans can be extremely difficult to pay off. Some people take well over ten years to finally get rid of their education loans, many of which take advantage of students with high interest rates.
With education loan consolidation and our consolidation process, you can combine all of your past student loans in to a single loan. We offer education loan consolidation at a much lower rate than that of most student loan lenders, meaning you could save thousands of dollars in interest over time. This gives you a single easy to manage loan that you only have to make one payment on every month. Not only that, you'll have the opportunity to make smaller payments if you choose.
Who's Eligible for Consolidation?
Naturally, not everyone is eligible to consolidate their student loans, but we try to make the service available to as many people as possible. In order to be eligible, you must not be enrolled more than half time in school and are in the repayment period of the loan or grace period. Also, those who have previously consolidated their student loans cannot reconsolidate. Here is a list of the types of loans eligible for reconsolidation:
* Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
* Federal Direct Loans
* Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
* Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS)
* Federal Perkins Loans
* Federally Insured Student Loans (FISL)
* Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL)
* Health Education Assistance Loans (HEAL)
* Nursing Student Loans (NSL)
About Consolidation
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