Many people speak of “alternative education loans” as though all these types of lending were the same. This is simply not the case. The student looking for alternative loans to pay for their education has any number of choices:
There are Private Loans for Non-college Students
Loans such as Academic Management Services K-12 Family Education, the Key Education Resources Achiever Loan, M&T Bank K-12 Education Loan, prep GATE K-12 Education Loans, Parent Loans for Elementary and Secondary Education (PLEASE), Wachovia Education Finance loans, and Your Tuition Solution loan options all address the financial needs of students who are not yet in college. These loans help students pay for private grammar schools, private and military grammar schools, and alternative schools which are not covered by traditional loans.
There are Private Education Loans Structured to Mimic Government-Sponsored Loans
The loans offered by banks, private lenders, and others, offer many of the same advantages -- such as no payment or interest accruing until after graduation -- as government-sponsored loans. However, the loans allow students to borrow larger amounts. Many of these high approval private education loans are designed with the very generous application conditions. This means that students do not have to worry as much about being turned down for a loan. These loans are designed to have a high approval rating. Most people who apply for them will get some money that they can use towards their education. There are alternative education loans a specially designed to help students with distance education, or unusual school needs. These loans can help international students, and those students attending nontraditional schools (such as online non-accredited schools or untraditional academic institutions) pay for their education.
There are Alternative Education Loans which are Really Just Standard Loans. Such Loans May Include Student Credit Cards, Credit Lines, and Traditional Loans
These loans have standard interest rates, and usually require students to start repaying interest and principal right away. Often, financial experts recommend that students avoid these loans entirely or get out the smallest amount possible in this type of loan. Having to repay a loan while attending school can be difficult, as it requires a student to work full or part-time in order to pay back their debt.
Today, school costs are so high that government-subsidized loans are not always enough to help students pay for their education. This does not mean that students cannot attend a school of their dreams. Private education loans allow students to make up the difference between their financial aid package and their needs. If you require additional funding that you do not qualify for, or if you have special loan needs -- such as the need for distance education loans -- then alternative education loans may be right for you. They can help make schooling a reality for almost every student.