Consolidation for private student loans are ideal for self-supporting students. Generally, student loans consolidation programs will aide you in refinancing your student loans after graduation. But if you still have private student loans to refinance, then where do you go? Don't worry. Now, there are many companies that offer private student loans consolidation as part of their programs.
Federal Student Loan -
If you have applied for federal student loan consolidation before, but weren't able to include your private student loans, then you've come to the right place. This article will give you a brief background on student loans consolidation, consolidation for private student loans, and how and where you can apply for one.
Student Loan Consolidation
What can it do? With student loans consolidation, you can save up to 50% of even more on the life of your student loans. This is because with it, all your student loans are bundled into a single loan with one lender and one repayment plan. You will be able to lock in a low monthly payment with a fixed interest rate for the life of your loan. All this without incurring unnecessary fees like application fees, origination fees, credit checks, income verifications, or repayment penalties.
The Rates of student loan consolidation- With a low interest rate and minus all these fees, you can really reduce your monthly payments. Not only that, it will also extend your repaying time for up to 20 more years.
Federal Student Loan Consolidation
You can lower your monthly payments for as much as 60% with the federal consolidation loan programs that are offered by many companies. This is for applicants who have federal loans, such as PLUS and Stafford. However, in most cases, you wouldn't be able to include your private educational loans for this. That is why you get private student loan consolidation.
Private Student Loan Consolidation
Then, there are private student loans. For those private student loans that you cannot include in a federal student consolidation loan, you can apply under the private loan consolidation program. This is so you can consolidate your eligible private education loans into one easy-to-pay loan at low rates. Depending on the company you choose, you will also be able to extend your repaying time up to 30 years. This will really help in decreasing your monthly payments.
How and Where you Can Apply for student loan consolidation
If you want to apply for private student loan consolidation, then all you have to do is go online. Now, there are many companies that offer online application that you can accomplish in just a matter of minutes. The requirements vary with the company you choose, so make sure you give this some thought. Others would require you collateral and a co-signor, while others would not.